MouldTAS Solution

Out with the mould. In with the new.

If you know your home has a dampness problem, you’re definitely not alone. Black mould growing on walls, wardrobes and carpets, weeping windows, and cold, wet air to breathe is a problem for many.

Infographic Mould Healthy Homes Tasmania

But there is a fix and the solution is simple. All it takes is improving the ventilation in your home.

The signs of dampness and poor ventilation can often be quite obvious. Condensation is a sign that a house isn’t properly ventilated. As is rising damp, which leaves ‘water’ marks on walls and brickwork in older homes. But in newer homes, which are built to be almost airtight under building regulations and therefore signs of poor ventilation aren’t always initially visible and may exist in the form of excessive moisture that can’t escape and hidden damp, which accumulates over time.

When damp and mould are allowed to grow, they can be a trigger for asthma attacks, cause flu, fatigue and even more severe respiratory illnesses. Find out what our HRV ventilation systems can do for you.